Monday, April 7, 2008

Nielsen Research Buys IAG

Nielsen Research is buying IAG Research for $225million. Nielsen Research has been known to rate television shows up against each other, but IAG rates product placements on the shows. This is sure to make Nielsen research the top in the business when it comes to tv/products and ratings. The deal will be sealed soon.

Sunday, April 6, 2008

Man makes $2.6M for Domain Name

Chris Clark of Maryland received $2.6M for his domain name, If you don't think keeping a domain name that doesn't mean much to you think again, it might just mean something to someone else. Chris had the domain since 1994 and kept it maintained for as low as $20 a year. In the beginning the site was for a company he was trying to win over but kept it. Now after 10 years it has paid off, in fact it did more than pay itself off. Today, he's a very happy man.

Thursday, April 3, 2008

Twitter a Business Tool

Twitter seems to be the hip new social cast for bloggers, every blogger can do everything they do on facebook or myspace but without the pictures. At least so far you can't add pictures. Unlike both social sites bloggers are limited to two sentences per post, so it's a mini blog in a way and bloggers love it.

But it seems twitters have become the next tool for businesses out there. Not only can they post about their sales but they can show a link to a new blog post whenever one is made. Will you business be joining twitter?

To join me on twitter click:

Thursday, March 20, 2008

Amazon offers Apology

Amazon has came forward and issued an apology to those that have bought the Kindle: Amazon's New Wireless Reading Device. I guess they didn't believe it would become such a hot item so fast and didn't have enough for everyone. They are quickly making them as fast as their little fingers can and have said sorry to those that have had to wait for over 6 weeks. Currently those that order will get their shipment on a first come first serve basis.

Thursday, March 13, 2008

Facebook Makes You Money

Facebook has decided to help it's users actually make money. So now when you are playing around with the applications if someone buys on your recommendation you can actually earn money. You must get into the program called, "Market Lodge" in order to participate. Who knows you could be earning checks by the end of the month. Have you tried it?

If not you can head over and check out mine, Eliza's Facebook Store

YouTube to Hit Tivo

TiVo has decided to give YouTube a shot, so for all you folks out there that love TiVo and YouTube now you can get your daily fix. Last year YouTube decided to try itself on Apple TV and it was such a success they were able to convince YouTube. Will you be watching? I bet even the newscasters will be watching this channel.

Friday, February 22, 2008

Google Wants the Moon

Google wants to land on the moon and 10 companies want to compete. This of course will cost $30 million to get to the moon. I guess if they get there we'll be able to see all parts of the moon, kind of like we see Google Earth. Can you picture it?

Actually Google is having a contest to see who can create a vehicle for the moon, the contest has $30 million in prizes. So I guess the race to the moon has begun, and astronauts are not included.

Friday, February 15, 2008

2 New Meat Eating Dinosaurs Discovered

Scientists in Africa have unearthed, or discovered two more maat-eating dinosaurs. One they have named Kryptops palaios, which basically means hidden face because the face was hidden by a horn. The other they named, Eocarcharia dinops because of the razor sharp teeth, like a shark and the bony brow like dinosaurs.

They believed the dinosaurs were more scavengers and not like a T-rex.

Robot testing Vs. Animal testing

I'm sure the PETA people will be happy to hear that scientists may have found a way to release all animals from animal testing products. Yes, now they will use robots instead of animals. Not exactly sure how that'll work but at least our feline friends and furry friends can be happy about this.

Three US agencies will try getting these robots to work as soon as possible and no more animals will be used to test out harmful chemicals. They hope by the end of this year they will be able to use the robots instead of the animals.

Monday, February 11, 2008

Yahoo Rejects MicroSoft Bid

Microsoft gave Yahoo a bid they thought they could never turn down. I mean with $44.6 billion who would right? WRONG. Yahoo has decided to reject the offer and keep on doing it on their own. Could they be headed for bed with Google? I've heard rumors they were trying to work out a deal with them.

Yahoo knows they are worth more than $44 billion and are probably waiting for a much bigger lump of money.